Recherche und Beratung

Your contact for professional patent and specialized search in the field of industrial property rights

We know how

Search and Consulting in patents, designs, trademarks, literature and multimedia.
We support you in novelty search, invalitidy search, literature procurement and in many other matters.
Contact us for an individual offer.

Recherche und Beratung

Your contact for professional patent and specialized search in the field of industrial property rights.

We are a company led by professionals with longterm experience and skills in the field of consulting and the procurement of information.
This includes patents, utility models, trademarks, designs, IP legal cases, specialist literature, chemical structures, biosequences and video material.

During your innovation process, regardless of which phase you are in, we are ready to advise you which information will be groundbreaking, target-oriented or indispensable next.
If you wish, we will carry out a targeted, highly qualified search. We know which sources are to be searched, and we will provide you a search report tailored to your question and your internal workflow.

We form a team of 4-5 experienced information professionals and our declared aim is to prepare you the best possible way to make a decision. To do this, we bundle our knowledge from various industries and areas in order to find the best solution for you.